Thursday, July 14, 2011

To the guy that argued with Gareth Cliff this morning on 'Phonecalls'

Dear Sir

1) There are many people, also hungry, who don't even HAVE a salary every month. I am sure they will gladly accept the current salary that these guys are working for at the moment, or even less.

2) I work hard to earn a living, and even though I really want to, I don't multiply (have kids) when I can hardly even sustain myself. This is a problem that you have: You now have hungry kids at home, and now you use this as an excuse to motivate why you should be earning more. What you are ACTUALLY doing is making your problems your employer's problems, and he wasn't even involved in the fun part of making your little snot-noses.

3)If you are not happy with your current salary, find a job that pays better, or qualify yourself o earn a better salary. If you can't, tough shit.

4) You say these people can't help they went to kak schools. Funny enough that these are the same people that BURNED DOWN THEIR SCHOOLS in protest? Nothing has changed it seems, they still behave barbaric when not having their way. The point is that you HAD schools, and if your teachers were kak back then (as they are today - even though there is no struggle/apartheid/any excuse you can think of) it is because they are also lazy fatcat wannabe's just sitting on their arse at work in stead of actually doing their work ie teaching pupils the skills they need to be successful grownups, not unsuccessful lucky-packet BEE shit-for-brains people.

5) I really wish that people would rather protest and act violent when a person disregards the law, like taxi drivers, criminals etc. This will make a MUCH bigger difference in the no-so-distant future, as strikes, crime and corruption are the main reason that our economy is struggling to grow, and also alienating investors.

Don't tell Gareth that he is ignorant - YOU ARE.


PS: the best part of this strike is the fact that there are so few taxis on the roads! Whooha *airpunch*

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